Contact theDads Club
Online Resources
- School Portal
- My BackPack
- MaiaLearning
- Blackboard
- Magnus Health
- Ravenna
- Login Help
- Engage@UA
School Portal
What Is the School Portal?
The School Portal is a communication tool containing the following:
- Master Calendar - including class rotation, school events, major deadlines, and holidays
- Searchable School Directories
- Parent-Student Directory (note: information populated on this directory is populated by your Biography information in My BackPack)
- Faculty-Staff Directory
- Forms, Downloads, and Links
Who Uses the School Portal?
- Each student and parent has his/her own username and password.
- The Portal login user name and password are the same as your My BackPack login.
Login Help
To get automated help retrieving or resetting your user name and password, go to the login page of My BackPack and click on "I forgot my User Name/Password." Then follow on-screen instructions and subsequent instructions you will receive in a password-reset email. Once you retrieve (or reset) your user name and password on My BackPack, you will need to return to the School Portal and enter that information on School Portal login screen. If you need additional assistance with your login for the School Portal, contact Backpack Support.
Go to the School Portal
My BackPack
What Is MyBackPack?
MyBackPack is a utility and transaction tool containing the following:
- Course schedules
- Grades and report cards
- Parent-Student Directory
- Attendance and discipline
- Billing and payment records
Who Uses MyBackPack?
- Each student and parent has his/her own username and password.
- Your user name and password for MyBackPack are also used to log into the School Portal and Magnus.
Login Help
To get automated help retrieving or resetting your username and password, go to the login page of MyBackPack and click on "I forgot my Username/Password." Then follow on-screen instructions and subsequent instructions you will receive in a password-reset email. If you need additional assistance with your login for MyBackpack, contact Backpack Support.
Go to MyBackPack
What Is MaiaLearning?
MaiaLearning is acollege and career readiness platform that contains up-to-date information specific to our school that you and your daughter can use to plan for college and to research interests and careers.
- Watch an overview onMaiaLearning.
- View detailed information on MaiaLearning content.
Who Uses MaiaLearning?
- Each student and parent has his/her own username and password.
- View introductory resources.
- Student Dashboard
Login Help
To login for the first time, you will need to reset your password. Instructions.
To get automated help retrieving or resetting your user name and password, go to the login page ofMaiaLearningand click on "I forgot my password." Then follow on-screen instructions and subsequent instructions you will receive in a password-reset email. If you need additional assistance with your login for MaiaLearning, contact your daughter's personal counselor.
What Is Blackboard?
Blackboard is the online community for students and teachers:
- Daily announcements
- Class materials and assignments
- Club and class announcements
- Library database log-ins
- CAVE (technology) information
- Advisory information
- Honors applications
- Students may turn in assignments to the “digital drop box.”
Who Uses Blackboard?
- Each student and teacher has his/her own username and password.
- Parents do not have logins for Blackboard.
- Students receive their login information during orientation.
Login Help
For login assistance, students should go to the Technology Suite student help desk in the French Family Center.
Magnus Health
What Is Magnus Health?
Ursuline Academy uses an online database called Magnus Health SMR (Student Medical Record). This secure web-based system houses school-related forms, including:
- Immunization Form needed for new families to complete enrollment
- Over-the-counter medication forms
- Consent to treat, and other health forms
You have continuous access to your child’s health record as well as the ability to make updates when needed. There is one account per family but, when necessary for families with multiple students, all students will be merged into one family account.
To access your Magnus Health SMR account:
- Go to Your Ursuline Backpack and Magnus Health username are the same. Upon acceptance to Ursuline, you will be provided a temporary password in an email from Magnus Health.
- View the video tutorial that appears after you have logged in to familiarize yourself with the system.
- Magnus tells you which forms need to be completed in a handy to-do list. The Immunization Form needs to be downloaded, printed, signed by a physician, and electronically uploaded your daughter’s Magnus account by May 1,to complete enrollment, or she will not be permitted to attend Frosh Start, Summer School and/or Orientation.
- No religious or conscientious exemptions are accepted.
- If there is a specific medical exemption regarding immunizations, please contact the Ursuline Clinic at 469-232-1832, before the May 1 deadline to have the required Medical Form completed.
- Please note some forms can be completed with an electronic signature while other forms require a physical signature or physician’s signature.
- All forms must be submitted electronically. Paper forms will not be accepted.
Login Help
To get automated help retrieving or resetting your user name and password, go to the login page of My BackPack and click on "I forgot my User Name/Password." Then follow on-screen instructions and subsequent instructions you will receive in a password-reset email. If you need additional assistance with your login for Magnus Health, contact Backpack Support.
For Magnus Health SMR customer support, call 877-461-6831 or email
What is Ravenna?
The Ursuline Academy of Dallas Admissions Department uses Ravenna, a web-based service for online applications for admission. Applicants create Ravenna accounts during the application process. Here are the activities that are part of a Ravenna account:
- Application for Academy admission
- Admission event registration (such as Open House)
- Transcripts
- Recommendations
- Scheduling applicant interviews
Who Uses Ravenna?
- Each family has one account
- Ravenna accommodates multiple children applying to multiple schools with a single account for an entire family. If you have already created a Ravenna account for another school (and/or child), please use that existing Ravenna account and add our school and/or another child.
Login Help
To get automated help retrieving or resetting your user name and password, go to the login page of Ravenna and click on "Forgot Your Password?". Then follow on-screen instructions and subsequent instructions you will receive in a password-reset email. If you need additional assistance with your login for Ravenna, contact
Learn More about Ravenna and Academy Admissions
Login Help
Login help is available through an automated process by selecting "forgot user name and/or password"on Ursulinelogin screens. This procedureis the quickest resolution to receiveuser name and/or password resets.
If you need further assistance, please contact the following:
- School Portal: contact Portal Support
- My BackPack help for Parents, Students, Employees: Follow on-screen instructions to receive a password reset email, if more assistance is needed, contact My BackPack Support
- My BackPack help for Alumnae: contact Aubree Auletta
- Naviance: contact your daughter's personal counselor
- Magnus Health: contact Magnus Support
- Ravenna: contact
Note: your login for the School Portal, My Backpack, and Magnus Health are the same.
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Dads Club provides lunch to seniors during Graduation Practice