Dasar-dasar nama domain - Bantuan Admin Google Workspace (2025)

Berikut istilah umum yang mungkin Anda temui saat mengelola nama domain Internet. Klik istilah di bawah untuk melihat deskripsi istilah dan penggunaan praktisnya dengan layanan Google. Lihat juga Dasar-dasar DNS untuk istilah terkait Domain Name System yang mengelola hubungan antara alamat IP dan domain.

  • Nama domain
  • Subdomain
  • Domain tanpa awalan www
  • Domain primer
  • Domain sekunder
  • Alias domain
  • Alamat IP
  • Registrar domain
  • Host domain
  • Server nama
  • Direktori WHOIS

Nama domain

Nama domain(sering disebut domain) adalah nama yang mudah diingatyang terkait dengan alamat IP fisik di internet. Nama unik ini muncul setelah tanda @ di alamat email, dan setelah www. di alamat web. Misalnya, nama domain example.com bisa diterjemahkan ke alamat fisik 198.102.434.8. Contoh nama domain lain adalah google.com dan wikipedia.org. Alamat web akan lebih mudah diingat dan diketik jika Anda menggunakan nama domain untuk mengidentifikasi lokasi di Internet, dibandingkan menggunakan alamat IP numerik.

Siapa saja dapat membeli nama domain. Untuk memilikinya, cukup buka registrar atau host domain, cari nama yang tidak digunakan orang lain, dan bayar biaya tahunan.

Jika Anda mendaftar ke layanan Google Cloud, berikan nama domain yang ingin digunakan dengan layanan tersebut. Domain tersebut haruslah milik Anda (atau kami akan membantu Anda untuk membelinya) dan kami akan meminta Anda untuk memverifikasi kepemilikan. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut, lihat Alamat web dan domain.

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Subdomain adalah bagian dari domain yang lebih besar. Misalnya, mail.google.com, www.google.com, dan docs.google.com adalah subdomain dari domain google.com. Pemilik domain dapat membuat subdomain untuk memberikan alamat yang mudah diingat untuk halaman web atau layanan dalam domain level teratas.

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Domain tanpa awalan www

Domain tanpa awalan www adalah alamat domain yang tidak memiliki awalan "www", seperti google.com (tanpa awalan www), bukan www.google.com (dengan awalan www). Lihat juga Mengaktifkan alamat domain "tanpa awalan www".

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Domain primer

Dengan layanan Google Cloud, domain primer Anda menjadi domain yang digunakan untuk mendaftar ke akun perusahaan Anda. Anda nantinya dapat menambahkan domain lain ke akun Anda. Untuk mengetahui detailnya, lihat Memilih domain primer.

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Domain sekunder

Selain domain primer, Anda juga dapat menambahkan domain tambahan ke akun agar pengguna di domain tersebut dapat menggunakan layanan. Saat menambahkan domain yang memiliki pengguna, kami menyebutnya sebagai domain sekunder. Untuk mengetahui detailnya, lihat Menambahkan pengguna dari domain lain.

Penting: Domain sekunder sepenuhnya bergantung pada domain primer. Penghapusan atau penangguhan domain primer juga akan berdampak pada domain sekunder. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat Menghapus domain atau alias domain.

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Alias domain

Alias domain adalah nama domain yang berfungsi sebagai alias domain lain. Anda dapat menambahkan domain ke akun sebagai alias domain untuk memberikan alamat email lain di alias domain kepada semua orang di domain Anda. Email yang dikirim ke alamat pengguna mana pun akan diterima di kotak masuk email yang sama milik pengguna. Untuk mengetahui detailnya, lihat Memberi pengguna alamat di domain lain.

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Alamat IP

Alamat Internet Protocol (IP) adalah serangkaian angka yang mengidentifikasi lokasi fisik perangkat tertentu pada jaringan Internet. Alamat IP terlihat seperti ini:

Karena nama domain dapat memiliki satu atau beberapa alamat IP yang dikaitkan, Google tidak mendukung konfigurasi publikasi web dan email yang menggunakan alamat IP saja.

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Registrar domain

Registrar domain adalah perusahaan yang menjual nama domain yang belum dimiliki dan, oleh karena itu, tersedia untuk pendaftaran. Sebagian besar perusahaan tersebut juga menawarkan hosting domain.

Anda dapat mendaftarkan domain melalui Google Domains(beta) dan kami juga menawarkan pendaftaran melalui partner host domain. Anda dapat membeli nama domain melalui partner saat mendaftar ke akun Google Cloud. Jika Anda membeli domain saat mendaftar ke Google Workspace, kami akan otomatis mengaktifkan Gmail untuk domain dan membuat alamat web kustom. Jika mendaftar dengan nama domain yang sudah dimiliki, Anda harus melakukan hal-hal tersebut sendiri dengan mengubah data DNS pada host domain.

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Host domain

Host domain adalah perusahaan yang mengelola server DNS untuk domain Anda dan mengelola data DNS-nya. Data DNS mencakup data MX untuk menyiapkan Gmail (jika Anda menggunakan Google Workspace), data CNAME untuk membuat alamat web, dan data lainnya. Sebagian besar host domain juga menawarkan pendaftaran nama domain.

Untuk mengubah data DNS domain, Anda harus login ke akun domain di host domain. Jika host domain Anda adalah Google Domains, Anda dapat mengelola data DNS di domains.google.com. Jika tidak yakin siapa host Anda, lihat Mengidentifikasi host domain.

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Server nama

Server nama berfungsi sebagai titik referensi untuk data DNS domain Anda dan biasanya dikelola oleh perusahaan host domain. Jika server nama gagal, pengiriman email mungkin tertunda atau situs web Anda tidak tersedia, sehingga Anda harus memiliki minimal dua server nama yang terpisah secara fisik untuk mengeliminasi titik tunggal kegagalan. Beberapa negara mengharuskan server nama berada di jaringan IP yang berbeda untuk keandalan. Setiap server nama harus mengembalikan data identik untuk domain Anda. Urutan tampilan data tidak menjadi masalah.

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Direktori WHOIS

Direktori WHOIS adalah daftar publik nama domain, serta orang atau organisasi yang dikaitkan dengan setiap nama domain.

Sebagai tindakan privasi, beberapa pemilik nama domain lebih memilih menyembunyikan informasi pribadinya dari direktori WHOIS, seperti halnya Anda mungkin ingin agar nomor telepon pribadi tidak dicantumkan di buku telepon lokal.

Anda dapat menggunakan direktori WHOIS untuk menentukan pemilik nama domain dan alamat IP. Ada banyak direktori berbasis web gratis yang tersedia di Internet. Informasi yang tersedia dalam direktori WHOIS mencakup alamat surat dan nomor telepon.

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Dasar-dasar nama domain - Bantuan Admin Google Workspace (2025)


Who is my Google Workspace domain administrator? ›

The person who gave you your username, as in name@your-company.com. Someone in your IT department or Help desk (at a company or school) The person who manages your email service or web site (in a small business or club)

Can I keep my domain without Google Workspace? ›

No. You don't need to purchase a new Google Workspace Account through Google Domains.

How do I enable Google Workspace domain administrator? ›

Add an administrator
  1. Sign in to Google Domains using the Google account that manages your domain.
  2. Select the name of your domain.
  3. Click Email.
  4. Under "Add or remove people from Google Workspace," next to the user you want to make an administrator, click Edit.

Can you use existing domains with Google Workspace? ›

If you already have a domain, enter it when you sign up for Google Workspace. (You'll be asked to verify that you own the domain.) If you don't have a domain or want to use a different one with Google Workspace, you can purchase a domain of your choice (if available) from Google.

How do I find out who owns a domain in Google Domains? ›

In Google Domains, search for the domain. Under “Results,” click More options. Click Find out who owns this domain.

What is domain name in Google Workspace? ›

To sign up for Google Workspace, you need an internet domain name. It typically takes the form of your organization's name and a standard internet suffix, such as mybusiness.com or stateuniversity.edu.

What happens to my domain if I cancel Google Workspace? ›

When you delete the custom email with your Google Workspace subscription through Google Domains, the following happens immediately: Google Workspace billing stops. You don't pay for the ongoing service. You no longer have access to your Google Workspace account through Google Domains.

Can I transfer my Google Workspace to another domain? ›

Select the name of the domain you'd like to transfer. Click Email. Click Manage Google Workspace subscription. Scroll down to "Transfer subscription" and click Transfer.

How many domains do you get with Google Workspace? ›

How many domains can I add? Your organization's Google Workspace or Cloud Identity Premium account can have up to 600 domains. The limit includes: One primary domain—Your primary domain is the domain name you provide when you sign up.

How much do professional Google Workspace administrators make? ›

How Much Do Google Workspace Admin Jobs Pay per Year? $75,000 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $129,000 is the 75th percentile.

Why i can t verify my domain at Google Workspace? ›

Try these fixes first. Wait 48 hours—Sometimes it takes up to 48 hours for the domain to be verified. Re-enter the verification record—It's possible the verification record was not created or entered correctly. You need to troubleshoot your verification method (see below).

What is the administrator account in a domain? ›

The Administrator account is the most powerful account in the domain. It's given domain-wide access and administrative rights to administer the computer and the domain, and it has the most extensive rights and permissions over the domain.

How much does it cost to register a domain in Google Workspace? ›

Domains start at ₹500/year. Email forwarding, privacy protection, one-click DNSSEC, Google 2-Step Verification, and more included. Speed. Security.

How do I verify my domain on Google Workspace? ›

Verify your domain
  1. You'll copy a verification code from the Google Workspace setup tool.
  2. You'll sign in to your domain registrar and paste the verification code in to the DNS records for your domain.
  3. Once your domain registrar publishes your verification code, we'll know you are the owner of your domain.

How do I know if my domain is using Google Workspace? ›

Access your Google Workspace domain settings
  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console. ...
  2. In the Admin console, go to Menu Account Domains. ...
  3. Next to your domain name, View Details in the Status column.
  4. Click Advanced DNS settings or Manage domain (for Google Domains).

Who controls domain ownership? ›

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the non-profit organization that oversees the assignment of both IP addresses and domain names.

Can the owner of a domain be traced? ›

WHOIS is a publicly available database that stores information about domain names and their associated owners. These records typically include the registrant's name, address, telephone number, email address, and the name, address, and contact information of the domain name's registrar.

Who owns all the domain names? ›

Domain names are owned by whoever first registered the web address with an accredited registrar, such as Domain.com. In order for that person to maintain ownership, they have to pay registration fees and ensure that all of their contact details are up to date.

What is the difference between workspace and domain? ›

While a domain allows network admins to use servers to control all their assets that exist within the domain, a workgroup uses a LAN to communicate, and within a workgroup, no single machine or computer will have control over any other. Instead, they just share resources. Need some more info?

What is the difference between Google Account and Google Workspace? ›

With a free Gmail account, you get access to basic apps and services, including Google Drive, Docs, Sheets and Slides. With Google Workspace, you get access to all of the same apps as Gmail, as well as Google Meet, Calendar, Chat, Keep Sites, Forms and Current.

What happens if I don't renew my Google domain? ›

Renewal grace period: Your domain name will be placed on hold, meaning that viewers will no longer be able to get to your website. Within 5 days after your registration expires, we'll send an additional expiration notice via email to the registered name holder (registrant).

Does Google Workspace expire? ›

You register your domain ownership with a host for a certain period of time, usually 1 year or more. Your domain ownership expires if you don't renew it by the end of your registration period.

Can I delete my Google domain? ›

How to delete a domain
  1. Sign in to Google Domains.
  2. Select the name of your domain.
  3. Open the Menu. .
  4. Click Registration settings.
  5. At the bottom of the screen, to the right of "Delete domain," click Delete.
  6. To confirm your identity, sign in again.
  7. Review the restrictions.
  8. If you're sure, click Delete this domain.

How do I remove my domain from Google Workspace? ›

Remove a domain from Google Workspace or Cloud Identity
  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console. ...
  2. If you are removing a secondary domain: ...
  3. In the Admin console, go to Menu Account Domains. ...
  4. In Manage domains, scroll to the domain you're removing, and click Remove.

Can I change my host and keep my domain name? ›

Yes. As long as your domain name is registered in your name – so make sure that your web hosting company does this before you sign up! Simply update your domain name's name servers to your new web hosting company.

How do I change the owner of a Google domain? ›

Transfer the domain
  1. Sign in to the Google Domains account you want to transfer your domain.
  2. Open the Menu .
  3. On the left, click All my domains.
  4. On the left, click Transfer.
  5. Enter the domain name you want to transfer.
  6. Press Enter.

What can Google Workspace admin see? ›

View details of new Google Sites—Admins can identify the owner of a site, see the date the site was last published, and request edit access to the site.

How do I get a free domain for Google Workspace? ›

You can contact us if you have questions or need help along the way.
  1. Sign up for Google Workspace. During registration, kindly specify the domain you want for your business email. ...
  2. Set up your account. During setup, you will be prompt to verify your domain. ...
  3. Send emails and more.

How much does a Google domain cost? ›

Domains start at $7/year. Email forwarding, privacy protection, one-click DNSSEC, Google 2-Step Verification, and more included.

Who are the highest paid Googlers? ›

Research Summary.
  • Research Scientist is the highest-paying job at Google with an average salary of $167,427 and an average hourly rate of $80.49.
  • The second highest-paying job at Google is information technology project manager, with an average salary of $153,565.
Nov 10, 2022

Who is Google's highest paid employee? ›

The highest-paying job at Google is a President & CEO with a salary of ₹283.3 Lakhs per year. The top 10% of employees earn more than ₹76.59 lakhs per year. The top 1% earn more than a whopping ₹202.60 lakhs per year.

Which Google employees get highest salary? ›

Salary: $258,000–$280,000

The Global Creative Director at Google works closely with the Director of Marketing. They have an even broader scope when it comes to designing the Google product experience.

How long does domain verification take? ›

Usually, activation is completed in 4 hours or less. If the domain still appears inactive after a few hours, it is most likely due to DNS cache. The DNS records need some time to update and might be cached within your web browser or Internet Service Provider. Flushing DNS Cache can also help you see your domain active.

How long does Google Workspace verification take? ›

Paste your TXT record in the Verification code field. Click Add. Return to your Google Workspace console and click Verify. It may take 10 minutes to an hour for Google to identify the newly added TXT record.

What is the difference between domain admin and admin? ›

Administrators group have full permission on all domain controllers in the domain. By default, domain Admins group is members of local administrators group of each members machine in the domain. It's also members of administrators group . So Domain Admins group has more permissions then Administrators group.

What is the difference between server admin and domain admin? ›

That leaves us with basically two classifications of administrators, those who can administer the domain, and those who can administer servers on the domain. Domain Admins are all powerful. Server Admins all powerful on the machines they administer but can even compromise Domain Admins if they're not secured properly.

What are the 4 types of administrator? ›

Here are the four types of system administrators based on their roles and responsibilities:
  • Network Administrators. Network administrators manage the entire network infrastructure of an organization. ...
  • Database Administrators. ...
  • Server/Web Administrators. ...
  • Security Systems Administrators.

Is Google Workspace free or paid? ›

When you sign up for Google Workspace, you start with a 14-day free trial subscription. Up to 10 users can explore all the features of Google Workspace, including business email and online storage. If you switch editions during your free trial, any unused days apply to your new subscription.

How many email accounts can I have with Google Workspace? ›

You can add up to 30 email aliases for each user at no extra cost. Users must continue to sign in to their Google Workspace account with their primary address, not their email alias.

Do I have to pay for Google Workspace? ›

When you sign up for Google Workspace, you get a 14-day free trial. After your paid subscription starts, we automatically charge your primary payment method at the beginning of the next month.

How do I find my domain host on Google Workspace? ›

Find your domain host
  1. Go to lookup.icann.org.
  2. In the search field, enter your domain name and click Lookup.
  3. In the results page, scroll down to Registrar Information. The registrar is usually your domain host.

How long does an admin have to restore a deleted user? ›

You can restore a user account (including administrator accounts) up to 20 days after deleting it. After 20 days, the data is gone and you can't restore it.

How do you check if a domain is verified? ›

Use the email address that you were signed in with when you bought your domain to sign in to Google Domains. Select your domain. Registration settings. Below “Contact information,” find the verification status.

Can I get Google Workspace without a domain name? ›

To use Google Workspace, you need a domain. Your domain name is what appears after the www. in your website URL. If you already have a domain, enter it when you sign up for Google Workspace.

How do I contact Google domain administrator? ›

For domain-related issues and concerns, the Google Domains help center can be found at https://support.google.com/domains.

How do I find out who my administrator is? ›

Select Control Panel. In the Control Panel window, double click on the User Accounts icon. In the lower half of the User Accounts window, under the or pick an account to change heading, find your user account. If the words “Computer administrator” are in your account's description, then you are an administrator.

What is G Suite domain administrator? ›

The G Suite admin is the control account, responsible for data and user management through its panel. Users can access tools such as Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Calendar and communication resources such as Gmail, Hangouts and Groups.

Who is domain admin? ›

An administrator domain (admin domain) identifies a subsidiary part of an organization as a separate entity. The entity has its own policies, services, and access control items. The entity also has an administrator whose actions and views are restricted to that domain.

How do I recover my Google account without domain administrator? ›

If you're a user and can't contact your administrator
  1. Sign in to your Google Account (if you haven't signed in recently). ...
  2. Click Lookup Recovery Options.
  3. Select I am a user and cannot contact my administrator, then click Continue.
  4. Confirm your details, then click Continue.

How do I access my domain administrator account? ›

In any web browser, go to admin.google.com. Starting from the sign-in page, enter the email address and password for your admin account (it does not end in @gmail.com). If you forgot your password, see Reset your administrator password.

Can Google Admin access my email? ›

Your Google Workspace account can access the majority of Google products using the email address assigned to you by your administrator. It's important to note that your administrator has access to any data you store in this account, including your email.

Can the administrator see everything you do? ›

Network administrators can use private networks for monitoring your browsing activity too. Be it your landlord, boss, or family member, they can see everything as long as they control the network.

What is an admin username and password? ›

An administrator (admin) password is the password to any Windows account that has administrator level access.

Is the administrator the owner? ›

Each Organization can only have one owner. Admin: An admin of an Organization is a member that has privileges which include modifying product access privileges for other members, inviting and removing members from an Organization and changing member roles.

Can Google admin see user password? ›

Learn more. Google always value your privacy, and your administrator can not see your password.

Can a Google administrator see browsing history? ›

Can the administrator of a Google account view a user's search history? If your logged into a google account while performing a Google search, the search gets logged in the account under the accounts "search history". So yes. Your google account admin or anyone with access to your account can see what you have googled.

Who owns your domain name? ›

Who is the domain owner? Domain names are owned by whoever first registered the web address with an accredited registrar, such as Domain.com. In order for that person to maintain ownership, they have to pay registration fees and ensure that all of their contact details are up to date.

Is domain admin automatically local admin? ›

Domain Admins are, by default, members of the local Administrators groups on all member servers and workstations in their respective domains.

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.